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School Development Plan


Our School Development Plan is a working document for use by all stakeholders of our school and it was produced in line with statutory requirements.

This document is focussed on the Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework (ISEF) and contains evidence of our whole school self-evaluation, making explicit use of ETI’s common framework for inspection and self-evaluation guidance.

Outcomes from self-evaluation inform our school development planning process and our priorities for action. Requirements of SDP 2010, Regulation 4, are also adhered to. The Development Plan also translates the policies, ethos and aims of the school into everyday practice.

It has been drawn up after consultation with all stakeholders, who were issued with a questionnaire. This process will be followed every 3 years. The document sets out how the school will move forward from its current position. The Department of Education’s key priorities have also been addressed.

The Development Plan also includes detailed action plans for particular areas and subjects. These outline in more detail specific targets, personnel involved, timescales and monitoring and evaluation procedures.

This is a flexible document which may be adapted in order to take account of new developments and initiatives which affect the school.